Village of Biron Logo   451 Kahoun Road
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494



Frequently Asked Questions

When is recycling?

Recycling is collected every other Friday by Waste Management. On observed holidays, service is delayed one day throughout the remainder of the week.  If your recycling is not picked up, call Waste Management at 800-262-3101.  Please do not call the Municipal Center.

When is garbage collection?

Garbage is collected every Friday by Waste Management.  On observed holidays, service is delayed one day throughout the remainder of the week.  If your recycling is not picked up, call Waste Management at 800-262-3101.  Please do not call the Municipal Center.

When do I need a building permit? 

Permits are required for the following: new one and two story homes; additions that increase the physical dimensions of a building; alterations to the building structure; alterations to the building's heating, electrical, or plumbing systems; all electrical wiring; all HVAC; all plumbing; accessory structures (sheds, etc); re-siding and re-roofing; handicap ramps; decks; fences; driveways; agricultural or commercial buildings. Refer to the Permit/Forms page to print applicable permit forms.   Any work done prior to obtaining a building permit will result in permit costs being doubled.

When and where can my taxes be paid?

Included with your tax bill each year will be a notice stating the tax collection times at the municipal center. By coming during these hours it will ensure that you receive a computer generated receipt. You can always send your payment in the mail and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to have a receipt sent to you.

When are my taxes due?

Taxes are due by December 31st if you want them included for the current year. If you want them in the New Year then they can be paid by January 31st. If you pay in half or some other amount greater than half this payment can be applied to your tax bill. Any remaining taxes should be paid by July 31st at the Wood County Treasurer's Office at the Courthouse.

Where do I vote?

Voting is done at the municipal center located at 451 Kahoun Road.   Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  You may register on Election Day if you are a new voter, new Village resident or have a name or address change. It is possible to pre-register in the clerk's office but only on specific dates and hours or by going to  Please refer to the Election Information page for current information.

When are my water and wastewater bills due?

Water and Wastewater usage is billed monthly.  Bills are due the 20th of each month.

Utility bills can be paid at the Municipal Center, Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. After hours please use the dropbox located outside the main entrance.  You may also pay at Quality Foods IGA on Baker Drive.  Late payments will not be accepted at Quality Foods after the due date.  To make an online payment click here   Please note there is a convenience fee of 2.9% plus 30 cents.

The utility has installed electronic meter heads so the usage can be read from the road by Village crew. This also allows the Village to determine if residents have a water leak sooner to avoid excess costs to the resident.


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