A lead and copper inventory is a list of all service lines in a public water system (PWS), including those that contain lead, non-lead, and unknown materials. Under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), all PWS in Wisconsin must submit an initial Service Line Materials Inventory to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) by October 16th, 2024. In addition to submitting an initial Service Line Materials Inventory to the DNR, all PWS must make their inventories publicly accessible.
The purpose of the inventory is to help reduce lead in drinking water by:
- Identifying locations of lead service lines
- Triggering requirements to replace lead service lines
- Notifying customers and property owners
- Selecting sites for compliance tap sampling
Click on the link below to view the Village’s Lead and Copper inventory:
When viewing the inventory, you can find the service line materials for your home by locating your home address under the locational identifier column.
The bottom tab labeled field descriptions describes the purpose of each column and what the abbreviations in each column stands for.
The tab labeled FAQs can help answer questions you may have about how the service line inventory was completed. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding the inventory, contact Kayla Lumaye, the water superintendent at (715)323-2001 or by email at publicworks@biron.wi.gov.